Tuesday, September 1, 2015

From Fr. Matthew

At a child’s birth a new person...is born into the world, as the Lord said, showing us how each new baby is, even for God, an ‘other’ who is given Godlike freedom. -Sister Magdalen
This month’s Wonderworker offers a single, but extended, essay on the Church’s theology about what it means to be a person and how that relates to, and must be conveyed to, our children. It is an excerpt from a marvelous book, Conversations with Children: Communicating Our Faith, by Sister Magdalen of the Stavropegic Monastery of St. John the Baptist in Essex, England.

 I highly recommend you take the time to read the excerpt. If you are thinking, ‘but I have no children; this doesn’t apply to me’, please think again. What Sister Magdalen has to say concerns all of us, if we truly desire to share in God’s divine life. If our vision of our Christian life, of our (and other’s) humanity, has faltered or is in error, she renews and corrects our vision. She teaches us what true Christianity is, what the real Gospel is all about, beyond simply being saved from Hell. She gives us, as her opening line declares, ‘a sure eternal perspective on reality’. May God bless your reading! 

-Fr. Matthew

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